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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Well, two days ago I had the urge to do a signature of Horikita Maki. I thought it would be a good idea if I go check out some vector tutorials and get some vector brushes. So I found what I was looking for and I made it. The result was pretty satisfying. Then I checked out other tutorials that I found at GFXvoid.com. I saw the abstract tutorials for signatures that captivated me. I tried out in addition with my own techniques, I made another signature. A One Piece signature. It turned out okay though I wasn't quite satisfied with it. Then I made another signature of Horikita Maki with that tutorial. I had a nice result.

Okay. My point is that I'm addicted to do more GFXing now. As you can see, I made a new banner for this blog. A Luffy's banner. When I made this, I didn't realize the time that flew. Hahaha I guess I had something to do now other than listening to music and watching anime/dramas now when I'm on the computer.

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Fight on 2:51 AM

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Okay, I just watched the latest subbed episode of One Piece. I want to read the manga but I still didn't get enough of anime. Well, I actually started to watch Vampire Knight Guilty that I left for a while at episode 8. Now I'm up to episode 9.

Anyway, I'm still curious as of what is the mystery behind the Florian Triangle. It's been said that the lost of ships and people already occured long before the arrival of Thriller Bark. So it wasn't fully the responsible of Gecko Moria for the lost of them. Oda Eiichiro also drew a big ass giant or monster (or was it three of that thing?), that thing eyes was shining red and it was hiding in the thick mist. It was really big, a lot bigger than Thriller Bark, the size was around the mystery of the gigantic shadow of the Jaya which the mystery has already been answered. I hope that the mystery behind the Florian Triangle will be answered in the later episodes of One Piece just like the mystery of the gigantic shadow of Jaya. I think the monster behind the mist of Florian Triangle have the connection with the Fishman Island (just like the gigantic shadow of Jaya). If the monster is really that big then it must be some kind of sea god or the Devil. Florian Triangle is like Bermuda Triangle in our real world. People say that it's the castle of the Devil. So it's the work of the Devil that abducted the ships and people. Maybe it's the final boss in One Piece! Luffy already beaten a "god" before that's Eneru. Now he's gonna beat the Devil. How wonderful. Oda Eiichiro might just make this one of an unaswered mystery of One Piece. Just like the phenomenan of Bermuda Triangle that no one can answers. But I don't want that!

Man, my hard drive is nearly full...

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Fight on 5:36 PM

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Okay. So I have reached to the latest subbed episode of One Piece. Time to read the manga but I still want to watch anime. I have dozens of anime that I haven't completed watching the whole series. I have Gundam SEED Destiny and Black Lagoon but I left them un-watched for a while because I'm in the One Piece anime phase. I guess it's time to continue these two anime. Oh I just remember I have Hajime no Ippo anime on my hard drive but I haven't even started to watch it.

Anyway, alice nine released their new album yesterday. I haven't had the time to listen to all the songs in the album but I probably will after this.

I have been having flu almost everyday now. Is it because of the heat or I have those "more-worse-than-flu" sickness?


Fight on 7:42 PM

Ohhhhh~ I've been getting back into One Piece anime last week. I didn't leave out any free time to be wasted without watching One Piece. Not even my meal time and I left some days without taking baths! I bet I smelled like mud. I think I started around episode 270+ which is Water 7 arc. Now I've already watched until episode 376. I have to admit that One Piece is one of all-time my favorite anime/manga. The latest subbed episode is 384. I'm gonna reach there soon. So after that I'm gonna rely manga.

Tonight I got a little bit of headache but that's not gonna stop my journey with One Piece! De-re-shi-shi-shi-shi!

Oh yeah. I ran out of cigarettes. Who's gonna buy me a pack or two of them?! Eh eh? -smiles with sparkles-
Don't tell me not to smoke.

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Fight on 12:16 AM

Monday, January 12, 2009

Internet connection is back to its normal speed. Slow connection gave me hell. Anyway, since I'm unemployed, all I do now is relaxing at home without bothering people. That also means I have no life. I want to get a job, a temporary job is fine but I'm too lazy for anything right now. I can't get serious with just getting a job that is temporary before I enter college in just 2 months. I already set my mind to studying, not working.

Good news is So Nyuh Shi Dae released their first mini album with the title "Gee" which is also their title song. I've watched their music video and they looked cheerful as always. Happily dancing and singing. I'm actually uploading their music video on Youtube and it's been more than 2 hours I've been waiting for it to complete uploading. I guess my upload speed is pretty slow at the moment.

Well, well, I'm trying to figure out how to make some money on the internet. Hmm...

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Fight on 5:48 PM

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I won't post any of my uploads at this blog in the future. All my uploads are gonna be posted on my LiveJournal. It's located at http://vindell.livejournal.com/


Fight on 10:39 PM


Name: Shukri
Location: Malaysia
Age: I lost count
Birthday: Around 500+ A.D
Gender: I'm a dude

l Likes l
Visual Kei
So Nyuh Shi Dae (Girls' Generation)
Money (Obviously)

l Dislike l
Slow internet



Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Mister Ariff



December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
April 2009
October 2009
September 2010


Skin by: yoka
Brushes: X X X X X
Images: Final fantasy XIII